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February 2010

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Democratic Republic ofCongo & Rwanda face 6.1 magnitude earthquake

On Sunday, February 3rd 2008, 9.35am (local time), a 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck the South Kivu area on the border of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda, causing extreme and widespread destruction. Tremors were also felt all day long. The damage includes :

-16 church buildings destroyed.

-12 schools destroyed.

-210 houses destroyed.

-230 people seriously injured and being treated in hospitals in Cyangugu, Rwanda and Bukavu, DRCongo.

-304 households made homeless.

-One wall of the Church of the Nazarene South Kivu District office had fallen down.

According to official figures, 11 people have been killed and over 634 people injured. An estimation of 17355 people have been affected by this disaster. A few structural damages reported are Alfajiri College, a church in Kabare, the local Red Cross office and two markets in Nyawere and Nguba (Bukavu).

A crisis committee is set up, headed by the Governer. 15 tonnes of medical assistance was provided by the government and the World Health Organization (WHO) provided two tonnes of surgical kits and medical products. 323 volunteers were mobilized in the early hours of the earthquake to assist in the evacuation of injured victims to medical centres.

I think that we should always be ready for these types of natural disasters as we can never be sure of when they will happen. I think that the government should also have a emergency kit for these disasters, so when it happens, the country will have some recourses and medication for use.


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5:12 AM;

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

boomz!!!!!!!! blog created 4 geog hw heheehehhehe:D:D:D TESTING!!!!!

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8:38 PM;

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